北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第14号


山下, 好孝;本間, 淳子;田中, 里実

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/46740
KEYWORDS : プレ・クラス; インタビュー・タイム; アフター・セッション; コースの柔軟性; 北大リピーター


Hokkaido University Nihongo Evening Course was designed for all the international students and researchers and their families who want to learn Japanese. This course is characterized by its flexibility of the schedule and course design. There is no placement test, no fixed textbook, nor homeworks. Its instructors are not professionals, but volunteers. The Evening Course consists of "Pre-class", "Individual Class" and "Post-class Sessions". All students participate in the "Pre-class" to begin with. Afterwards, they can choose an "Individual Class", based on their needs or interests. Each "Individual Class" has more than 5 students and continues for three to five weeks. After finishing their language classes, students can also enjoy "Post-class sessions", talking with Japanese people. The course has been so popular that more than twenty students have always been participating in the activities. We believe this course's system can serve as a model for other voluntary based Japanese language courses, because we accept new students at any time, and students can join whenever they want.