北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第14号

留学生と日本人学生の「交流」を考える : 「ホリデーイン日高」2010活動報告

青木, 麻衣子

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/46741
KEYWORDS : 留学生と日本人学生との交流; 国際交流; 地域交流; 留学生支援


The aim of this paper is to report on an overnight domestic trip 'Holiday in Hidaka 2010' which was jointly held by the International Student Center (ISC), Hokkaido University, and the National HIDAKA Youth Outdoor Learning Center. Although 'Holiday in Hidaka' is one of the annual events only for the international students and their families mainly in order to give them some experiences of Japanese Matsuri (festival) culture through participating a summer festival in Hidaka town, 'Hidaka Jukon Matsuri', Japanese students were also allowed to join this 2010 event to facilitate interactions and communications between the international and Japanese students. Both groups of students are interested in and are willing to have exchange activities to know each other, but in fact they do not have many opportunities and time to do so. Therefore, we tried to re-organize this 2010 event to meet their demands and considered what aspects were needed to promote and enhance effective interactions between the international and Japanese students for further activities.