Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences - Volume 7

The Development of Soka Gakkai in Hong Kong

NG, Ka Shing

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This paper is based on Ng’s master’s thesis,“Soka Gakkai in Hong Kong:localizing a Japanese New Religion in a Chinese Community”completed during his study in the Chinese University of Hong Kong from 2009 to 2011. It includes scholarly ideas and responses to the subject matter based on his presentations at the conferences by Asian Studies Association of Hong Kong (ASAHK) 2011, Asian Conference on Cultural Studies (ACCS) Osaka 2011, and Asian Studies Conference Japan (ASCJ) Tokyo 2010. This paper studies the localization of Soka Gakkai (SG) in Hong Kong in terms of its development,practices and teachings. Although SG is an extensively studied topic, its operation in Hong Kong is little-discussed. Ng attempts to answer two issues:(1)how has SG developed in Hong Kong,and (2)to what extent has SG been localized in terms of practices and teachings. He also hopes that this little piece can fill a gap in the research on SG movement. In addition, Ng owes this publication opportunity to the Special Committee of Publication, and Prof. Sakurai Yoshihide.