メディア・コミュニケーション研究 = Media and Communication Studies - 62

Projektunterricht und Lernermotivation

Christ-Kagoshima, Gabriele

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/49291


The idea for this classroom project was born at a seminar on classroom research with Prof. Dr. Schocker-von Ditfurth as a guest speaker. Before sending students with a questionnaire to a European restaurant, they should be made aware of differences in table manners within the classroom. Having collected enough information the students are supposed to give a short presentation about it in front of their classmates. Then having rewritten this into a restaurant review, in one of the next sessions there should be some kind of exhibition of these texts, where classmates can answer questions on them. The final step is to hand out a kind of restaurant guide to the class with all these reviews. On the way to this goal there could be quizzes, crossword puzzles, setting a table, role play or a restaurant related song. Classroom projects are supposed to enhance learners' motivation to learn e.g. a foreign language. They are supposed to lead to cooperative learning, enhance receptive and productive speaking skills, support free speech and free text writing. However, one has to agree with Dörnyei who considers language learning being very awkward and face-threatening, as the learner has to speak like a child in a very restricted code. A supportive and motivating classroom atmosphere is therefore vital together with a humorous and unpredictable teacher. In this classroom project the teacher's perspective, in a classroom diary was planed to be compared with the students' perspective, in form a learner's diary, a presentation, and a written restaurant review, later to be incorporated into a restaurant guide for the classmates. By setting a table for their classmates the students should be made aware of cultural differences. This project is also supposed to strengthen the students' motivation to keep on learning German as a second foreign language. There was one advanced learners' group as a control group, students in their second to fifth year of learning German, and four advanced beginners' groups, students in their second semester of learning German. They were sent with a questionnaire to a European restaurant of their choice in Sapporo, had to present their findings in class and rewrite it into a restaurant review. These tasks could have been done as one person or in groups up to four. The teacher's perspective via diary/observations, the learners' diary and the learners' perspective via spoken and written texts and anonymous questionnaires were compared with each other and evaluated. This lead to the result that the control group was too heterogeneous and too small to be evaluated as one group. There were a few good written results, but stronger motivation could not be traced. In all classes, however, there seemed to be a great need and wish for more listening and speaking practice.