北海道大学教職課程年報 = Annual Report on Teacher Education in Hokkaido University - 第2号

Teacher Education in Finland : Knowledge Building in the Chemistry and Physics Teacher Education Programme at Helsinki University

Lavonen, Jari;Krzywacki, Heidi

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/49484
KEYWORDS : teacher knowledge; chemistry and physics teacher education; pedagogical studies; student teacher; course evaluation


Teacher education in Finland is described and analysed. The main organising theme of the teacher education programmes is a research-based approach, which aims at supporting student teachers in constructing a solid knowledge base and the potential to apply such knowledge in their work. Furthermore, all student teachers are to gain a competence for continuous professional development, e.g., consuming theoretical educational knowledge in their work. As an example, the pedagogical studies of pre-service chemistry and physics teachers are analysed from the viewpoint of knowledge building. The theoretical framework of this analysis is based on two facets related to teacher knowledge: the domains and the origin of teacher knowledge. The division of teacher knowledge domains into three main categories, content knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge and pedagogical knowledge, is based on the work of Shulman. An additional view: the teacher as a consumer and producer of educational research is added to the model. Based on the analysis, the research-based teacher education programme provides both contents and activities that support the formation of the different knowledge fields needed for acting as a teacher. The research approach and reflective activities seem especially to play a special role in the programme.