メディア・コミュニケーション研究 = Media and Communication Studies - 64

ヨハネス・フォン・クリース著『客観的可能性という概念とその若干の応用について』(その3 - 完結)

クリース, ヨハネス・フォン;山田, 吉二郎//訳;江口, 豊//訳

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/52629


The Japanese translation of von Kries' treatise "On the Concept of Objective Possibility and Some of its Applications" (1888) has been completed with this third part,and we are very glad that Japanese scholarly republic can now read this important treatise on their own language. It is almost obvious that von Kries wrote this treatise to commit himself to the famous controversy between the "old" and "new" schools of German jurists in the second half of XIX century, and therefore the field he tried to apply this concept to was the criminal law. Acquiring von Kries' methodology, Max Weber inquires into the possibility to appropriate it to quite another field --- history. Von Kries, characteristic concepts ("Objective possibility," "empirical rules," "adequate causaton," "generalization through abstraction," "quantitative gradation of real phenomena" etc.) were newly adapted and adopted by Weber eagerly and carefully. But it would be too hasty to say that Weber's methodology of "Ideal types" was constructed with these concepts because among Kries' concepts there is not the faintest nuance of "ideal" --- much more still remains to be done before we can shed light on Weber's methodology thoroughly.