Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences - Volume 9

Necessity and capabilityof an information sharing network for efficient and effective control of invasive alien raccoon

SUZUKI, Takaaki;IKEDA, Tohru

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KEYWORDS : Necessity; capability; information; sharing; network; efficient; effective; control; invasive; alien; raccoon


The common raccoon (Procyon lotor) has been designated asan invasivealien species, and an eradication programhasbeen undertaken in Japan to curtail damageto nativeecosystems, agriculture loss, and propertydamage. The raccoon is alreadynaturalized in 39 of Japan’s 47 prefectures and is recognized as a nationwide problem. To control raccoons, cooperation between and among prefectures and municipalities is needed;however, currently, theyindividuallycontrol theraccoons. Prefectures neithercooperatewith contiguousprefecturesnordo they shareinformation about raccoon control. Building up a nationwidecontrol framework (forthe purpose of promoting cooperation and sharing information) is helpful to overcome such a situation. We investigated the actual demand for an information sharing network and the situation ofeach region. Hence,wediscussed thenecessityfor and theprefecture’scapabilityof an information sharing network. We administered a questionnaire survey of 47 prefectural administrative officers. We received answers from 41 prefectures, 25 of which are controlling prefectures (CP) and 16 are non-controlling prefectures (NCP). Manyprefectures hoped for an information sharing network;moreover, in terms of the functions of a network, regardless of whether it is a CP or a NCP, respondents demanded and hoped for information sharing and discussing their difficulties. Theregional status oftheraccoon,budget,and numberofadministrative officers were difficulties encountered byboth CP and NCP, while procedure for control was highlydifficult for NCP. ManyCP implemented efforts to through trapping within procedure, though the following were implemented less than through trapping: monitoring after trapping,technical development,revision ofthecontrol plan. Almost all prefecturesdid not feel that controlling was effective. Furthermore, therewere no quantitative data on effectiveness of control. Results from current situation indicate that scientificcontrol programs on thebasis of adaptivemanagement arenot functioned. Weconcluded that an information sharing network is needed. When constructing a network, it is important to note that the following are necessary: functionsthat lighten someoftheburden ofadministrativeofficers,analysisofvaluableinformation on issues such as invasion and distribution, and support for prefectures that find control difficult.