Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences - Volume 1

Neolithic Culture in Amurland : The Formation Process of a Prehistoric Complex Hunter-Gatherers Society

KATO, Hirofumi

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KEYWORDS : Amurland; Neolithization; Complex Hunter-Gatherers Society; Oshipovka culture; the earliest pottery


The recent increase in excavations and new data show that the emerging aspects of a Neolithic culture and its formation process are not uniform. The true image of Neolithic culture cannot be projected from a conventional simplistic model with a transition from a hunting and gathering economy / mobile lifestyle to an agricultural and domestic economy / sedentary lifestyle. More important, the diversity and complexity of hunting, gathering and fishing economic societies have been discussed and their significance in the human history has been point out. In this paper, I chose as the subject Amurland, one of the northern Pacific coastal areas where complex hunter-gatherers developed, and which had the earliest pottery in the world. Its realistic process of Neolithization was examined.