北海道大学演習林研究報告 = Research Bulletin of the Hokkaido University Forests - 第七十巻 第一号

北海道大学苫小牧研究林における2008-2013 年秋期の小鳥類の標識調査

村上, 速雄;小林, めぐみ

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/58298
KEYWORDS : 標識調査; スズメ目; 秋の渡り; 苫小牧市高丘; Bird banding; Passerines; Autumn miglation; Takaoka Tomakomai-City


In the Tomakomai Experimental Forest of Hokkaido University in Takaoka, Tomakomaishi, Hokkaido, in November after August for six years in 2008 to 2013, bird-banding was mainly conducted for the birds of passerines, and 58 species of 14,879 birds were banded. This analyze is the migration patterns of 14 species which banded 100 or more birds in six years. (Urgus sibiricus Long-tailed Rosefinch 3,462, Zosterops japonica Japanese White-eye 3,111, Turdus cardis Grey Thrush 2,287, Emberiza spodcephala Black-faced Bunting 1,882, Turdus chrysolaus Brown-headed thrush 843,Ficedula narcissina Narcissus Flycatcher 24,Emberiza rustica Rustic Bunting 440, Phylloscopus coronatus Eastern Crowned Warbler 301 ,Parus majar Great Tit 295,Luscinia calliope Siberian Rubythroat 240 , Cettia diphone Japanese Bush Warbler 178, Pale Thrush 171, Parus palustris Marsh Tit 109, Turdus obscurus Eye-browedThrush 107)