北海道大学大学院農学研究院邦文紀要 = Memoirs of the Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University - Vol. 33, No. 2

北海道中山間地帯農業における土地利用部門の再構築に関する研究 : 先進野菜産地を事例として

正木, 卓

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/58418


This paper explores meaning of a restructuring of land-extensive farming through a case study in Hokkaido. This study elucidates essential requirement for restructuring of land-extensive farming in hilly and mountainous areas. The analytical standpoints in this paper are securement of prospective main farmers, establishment of standardized land use, and support for land-extensive farming. The Case studies are conducted in Shiriuchi town, Shimokawa town and Assabu town. As a result of the analysis, prospective main farmers of land-extensive farming also grow vegetables, which is land-intensive crops, and expand their cultivated field. The standardized land use is established by the introduction of new crops, coincident with shared use of implement and machinery for new crops. It is not farmers but all cultivated land in a community to be eligible for a land-extensive farming support. Essential requirements for restructuring of land-extensive farming are the fostering of prospective main farmers, establishment of standardized land use, and support for landextensive farming.