Journal of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences - volume 11

Development of End of Life (EOL) Services in Hong Kong : A Case Study of Caritas Hong Kong's Ning-An Scheme for the Elderly

Ng, Ka Shing

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JaLCDOI :  10.14943/jgsl.11.97


Population ageing is advancing rapidly in Hong Kong. Between 1987 and 2013, the percentage of population considered elderly rose from 7%in 1987 to 14%, indicating the city is joining the ranks of the ageing societies. Together with increasing quality of health care services and openness to the discussion of death in society,End of Life(EOL) services are not only used by terminally or chronically ill patients,but have also begun to attract many old people in good state of health who wish to prepare for ‘a good death’in advance. This paper studies this relatively new form of elderly service―EOL services for the healthy elderly in Hong Kong by using a case study of Ning-An Scheme. It aims to answer these questions:how has EOL services developed in Hong Kong? Why EOL services have become increasingly important in Hong Kong? What are the characteristic of Ning-An Scheme and their users? Based on statistics from the government and Caritas Hong Kong, as well as interview with staffs and users, the author argues that EOL services like Ning-An Scheme can be important resources for the elderly, especially the one-person/couples-only households and the economically challenged. They offer supports to help elder participants embrace their life’s final journey positively and gain a sense of well-being.