北海道大学留学生センター紀要 = Bulletin of International Student Center Hokkaido University - 第19号


伊藤, 孝行

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/61524
KEYWORDS : 近代語; 翻刻; 万代大雑書古今大成; Modern Japanese; Reprinting; Bandai Ozassyo Kokon Taisei


This paper presents a part of the book entitled "Bandai Ozassyo Kokon Taisei", which was first issued in the Tenpo Period (1837-1858), rewritten in present-day Japanese [characters]. It is a guide book describing the particulars of daily life at the time. It ranges widely over many themes, from traditional customs and astrology, to the points to note in naming children. Although "Bandai Ozassyo Kokon Taisei" is a printed book, and has had a revised edition issued in the Meiji period, it has not been translated into modern characters before, to the author's knowledge. As one of the sources of modern Japanese and also as a material describing Japanese manners and customs of the past, it is of indisputable value. An abstract from the book, together with the title, colophon and preface, are reproduced here. This paper reprints the Chapters Ne-4 – to Na-2 in Ito (2014).

FULL TEXT :  PDF  PDF (summary(revised version))