北海道農業経済研究 = Hokkaido Jounal of Agricultural Economics - 第14巻 第2号

グリーン・ツーリズムにおける農家キャンプの成立条件 : 北海道のSキャンプを事例とした供給側からみた分析

中山, 紗央里;増田, 清敬;澤内, 大輔;山本, 康貴;出村, 克彦

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/63674


This paper analyzed the successful conditions for the business of 'camping on farms' for Japan's rural tourism. As a case study, this paper focused on 'S camp' business in Hokkaido Prefecture, started in 2005. The results of the analysis were as follows. First, the farmers saved an initial investment for 'S camp' business by using lavatories that had already been made for rural tourism other than 'S camp'. Second, since work such as reservation service were made not by the farmer of 'S camp' but by a local rural tourism organization, labor burdens on the farmer of 'S camp' were saved. Third, the farmers intended to continue the 'S camp' business.