北海道農業経済研究 = Hokkaido Jounal of Agricultural Economics - 第14巻 第2号


畠山, 尚史;土井, 時久

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/63675


This paper aims to examine what kinds of measures have been taken for cost reduction in the management of large-scale dairy-beef farms outside Hokkaido that have been seeking further scale expansion. The most effective way to reduce the cost of large-scale dairy-beef farming is to reduce the feed cost. This is done by limiting the amount of supplies against the rise in feed cost, stabilizing the milk return-feed cost ratio. The second way is to reduce labor costs. Relative cost reduction is realized by balancing the labor costs against the cost of sales at a regular rate. Such a point of view will serve as a basic guideline to the scale expansion and business enlargement of dairy-beef raising farming. Furthermore, a synergistic effect within the divisions of the farm is also an important factor in stable management.