フロンティア農業経済研究 = The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics - 第20巻第2号


白井, 康裕;日向, 貴久;山田, 洋文;西村, 直樹

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/68776


The purpose of this paper is to examine methods to support the planning of inspection tours by municipalities. Text mining analysis on reasons of awarded cases in a Nourinsuisansai contest was adopted to extract keywords. Then, correspondence analysis was used to understand the tendencies which played a role in the prize-winning. Interpretive structural modeling analysis (ISM) for documentary information was used to visualize the activities of the prize-winning case. We confirmed that correspondence analysis is able to find common keywords and specific keywords for each time period. Further, we also established that ISM is helpful to identify an innovative activity which encompasses the lowest frequencies of keywords. We conclude that an approach combining simple methods, details of which we suggest, creates new information which is useful for planning tours by municipalities.