北海道大学国際教育研究センター紀要 = Journal of Center for International Education and Research Hokkaido University - 第21号

スポーツ情報番組のジャンルによる語用論的特徴 : 日韓対照で見られるスピーチレベルシフトの相違に注目して

鄭, 惠先

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/70437
KEYWORDS : ジャンル; 実況中継; ワイドショー; スピーチレベルシフト; genre; live report programs; wide show; speech level shift


This paper compares and contrasts the Japanese and Korean languages in sports information programs on the TV and indicates that the genre of each program strongly affects pragmatic features of linguistic expression in each language. An example of the genre influence is the utterance of reporters in live report programs. Japanese reporters mixed the polite style with the ordinary style while Korean reporters used only the polite style. Furthermore, in "Wide Show" which is a genre peculiar to Japan, the function as entertainment is emphasized more than the function as a report, and it has its own practical features. Thus, even in the same sports information program, there is a difference in language expression between Japanese and Korean. Taking into account the conclusion of this paper, the author will continue to conduct research on video media language, focusing on the relation among three elements: genre of media, linguistic differences of the two languages, and translation.