北海道大学大学院農学研究院邦文紀要 = Memoirs of the Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University - Vol. 35, No. 2

韓国における農業法人の形成・展開とその組織原理 : 「作目班」型農業法人からの脱却

嚴, 智凡

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/70635


The thesis arranges a survey studytargeting Korean agricultural corporations.Like Japan, reorganization of agriculturalstructure by establishing development of agriculturalcorporation is a task in Korea, but asthe original form, there is an agriculturalcooperation based on cooperative unit installedas a sub-organization of National AgriculturalCooperative Federation under conditions suchas weakening of village society and leaning ofNational Agricultural Cooperative Federationtowards financial business, and there are manysimilar types. It is not based on a strongrelationship between farmers, and an action ofjoint business is stayed in shipment and sale. Inagricultural production, it is difficult to lookforward to a development of business. Thisthesis understands the developing way ofagricultural corporation as a departure fromthis 「Cooperative Unit」-type, so examines the process through a case analysis.In conclusion, there is a maternal groupwith strong coherence such as a peasantmovement and a religion in corporation developingbusiness actively. Therefore, with extensionof business, it is indicated that there is atendency that a corporate structure has beenreorganized as separating from the maternalgroup. In addition, if there is no strong maternalgroup, policy becomes a moment of organization,so economical combination is actualizedbeyond a level of personal combination. Besides,as a noticeable business line, there is a tendencyof local connection and local contribution. A fullscaledevelopment of agricultural corporationbecomes not only a departure from「Cooperative Unit」-type but also a brake onweakening of village society that becomes theregulation factor, so contributes to a recovery ofvillage society.