北海道大学大学院農学研究院邦文紀要 = Memoirs of the Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University - Vol. 35, No. 2

都市農業地域の6次産業化におけるソーシャル・キャピタルの重要性 : 愛知県長久手町(現長久手市)の取り組みを事例として

川辺, 亮;坂爪, 浩史

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/70636


This paper highlights the importance of social capital for the sixth industrialization in the urban agricultural areas, and aims to analyze a case study in Nagakute-cho (current Nagakute City), which has made efforts since FY1999 that are based on the “Countryside Valley Initiative”, and call for “Agricultural Living and Agricultural Town”. The followings are the key results: 1) the 6th Industry is a very efficient strategy to manage and demonstrate the full abilities of multiple functions of urban agriculture, farm villages, and agriculture itself, and social capital is also important as the engine driving it; 2) the main business generated from the Nagakutecho’s case study based on the “Countryside Valley Initiative”, is the 6th Industry itself, and it has been successful; and 3) during a successful transition from the “Countryside Valley Initiative” to “Countryside Valley Business,”, an integrated form of social capital, which combines the government-led bonding style with the bridging style of various local residents, has emerged. This is because of the efforts to capitalize on the long-term initiative of the Japanese government and related organizations’ (3rd sectors) proactive engagement, etcetera.