北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第133号

アルペンスキー競技回転種目を対象としたタイム分析 : オリンピックテストイベントとオリンピック本大会の比較

近藤, 雄一郎

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/72311
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.133.59
KEYWORDS : アルペンスキー; 回転種目; タイム分析; オリンピック; Alpine Skiing Competition; Slalom; AlpinTime Analysis; Winter Olympic Games


In the alpine skiing competition, racer competes for the race time from the start to the goal in the course of the variety of slopes and gate setting. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effectiveness of the race analysis in the test event for the Olympic Games. The race targeted was the 1st run of slalom race in the 2017 Far East Cup (FEC) and the 2018 Pyeongchang Olympic Winter Games ( OWG-M and OWG-L). The time analysis carried out following five parts: 1) Total time of all slope, 2) Interval time of steep slope-1 (Int. 1), 3) Interval time of steep slope-2 (Int. 2), 4) Interval time of medium slope (Int. 3), 5) Interval time of flat slope (Int. 4). The time analysis used Scheffe's F test and Peason's correlation coefficient test. The level of significance was taken to be less than 5%. As a result of the time analysis by the Scheffe's F test, there were significant differences between FEC, OWG-M and OWG-L group in each slope (p<0.05). It was thought that the differences between the gate setting and competition levels in the race position as factors of the time difference of each group. And as a result of the time analysis by the Peason's correlation coefficient test, there was a significant correlation between total time and each section time in all analysis objects. Based on the above result, it was inferred that there was a specificity that it is required to glide without mistakes on all slopes in the race at Yongpyong's course. And in the case of this study, the tendency of the correlation between FEC and OWG-L was similar. Therefore, FEC's time analysis result was a possibility of becoming a reference to the competition for OWG-L.