北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第133号

先輩教員は初任期の教員をどのようなまなざしで見つめているのか : 計量テキスト分析により探索する

山口, 晴敬

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/72322
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.133.69
KEYWORDS : 高校教員; 初任期の教員; 同僚; 先輩教員; 計量テキスト分析; high school teachers; novice teacher; senior teacher; colleagues; quantitative text analysis


The purpose of this research is to focus on the teacher's point of view for beginner teachers, and to examine the relationships with beginner teachers and colleagues. The teacher's teachers who played the role of teacher support for beginners conducted a questionnaire survey and examined whether the teacher is watching. Analysis used weighing text analysis according to free description. Senior teachers saw novice teacher in two viewpoints. One is to look at“ attitude and behavior” and the second is to involve“ to be here” such as“ colleague”“ Iraha of teaching work” and so on. In other words, the senior teacher looked at and evaluated the novice teacher, from the perspective of“ individual” and“ colleague”. Looking at‘ individuals’ as lecturers of the novice teacher reflections, and the viewpoint of‘ colleagues’ was to deny the novice teacher as a result. Also, expectations for novice teacher included both“ colleagues” and“ individuals”. Senior teachers neglected a faculty member who was a“ colleague” for the novice teacher, with a view on“ working here” that is“ here right now”. It has no positive effect on colleague relations.