北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第133号

イギリスにおけるキャメロン連立政権の教育改革 : アカデミーとスタジオ・スクールを中心に

横井, 敏郎;横関, 理恵;姉崎, 洋一

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/72323
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.133.91
KEYWORDS : アカデミー; フリー・スクール; スタジオ・スクール; 継続教育 カレッジ; 教育の民間化; Academy; Free School; Studio School; Further Education College; Privatization of Education


This paper studied on the education reform of Cameron conservative-liberal democrat coalition government after 2010 in England, focusing on Academy and Studio School. Firstly we arranged main issues of these policies, and secondary we analyzed some cases. We visited two areas of England: Halifax of West Yorkshire and Fulham of London to do research some cases of the conversion from maintained schools to Academies, the establishment of a further education college as Free Schools and a Studio School which is a new-type school to connect key stage 4 with key stage 5. They introduced Academies and Free Schools to resolve some local education challenges. But the number of students who entered those schools were not enough. So they were suffering from financial difficulties and lack of teachers. The results of Ofsted inspections were ‘inadeqate’and the Academy Trust of Halifax was dissolved. We found the school management was so unstable and the educational conditions of the schools were poor in these cases. The education policies of the government did not bring the successful result as expected. But the cases of our research were few and the aspects of schools we analyzed were limited. It is necessary to see more cases and analyze various aspects.