メディア・コミュニケーション研究 = Media and Communication Studies - 72

スタディ・クエスチョンで読む古典 : 「政治学は科学として成りたちうるか: 理論と実践の問題」(マンハイム)を読む(その3)

長島, 美織

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/73280


This is the third part of a series of an attempt to propose and demonstrate a new method of reading academic masterpieces, which are otherwise difficult for readers to grapple with. The proposed ‘Study Question Method’ helps students read through and understand the target academic manuscript precisely and critically. The sample piece selected in this series of essays is ‘THE PROSPECTS OF SCIENTIFIC POLITICS: The Relationship between Social Theory and Political Practice’, the second article in “IDEOLOGY and UTOPIA” by Karl Mannheim (1893~1947). This part 3 examines the middle part of Section 2 of the article, which deals with socialism. It consists of study questions, and corresponding answers and comments.