メディア・コミュニケーション研究 = Media and Communication Studies - 72


江口, 豊

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/73282


Recent research has discussed several points about the reception of newspapers in the 17th century, e.g. the price and the necessary economic conditions of a possible customers who could pay alone for a newspaper or buy one issue together with other citizens as a joint customer. However we must take into consideration that newspapers were not only read silently but also read aloud in an public or semi-public situations. The communicative system of the entire society needs to be newly conceived and we could then reconsider the information flow of the press. This could correspond to Lazarsfeld's two-step flow model. Without the involvement of illiterate people the vital function of newspapers for the Enlightenment in the following centuries would probably not have been achieved.