北海道大学大学院農学研究院邦文紀要 = Memoirs of the Research Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University - Vol.37

農林水産業・食品産業の輸出が都府県・北海道に及ぼす効果の地域間産業連関分析 : 2011 年産業連関表を用いて

鎌田, 譲;吉本, 諭;近藤, 巧;高津, 朱里

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/77343


We analyzed the production inducement effect of exporting within the agriculture, fishery, and related food industries through an interregional input-output analysis of the Honshu and Hokkaido region in 2011. Indirect effect was recognized more in agriculture and fishery, and direct effect was identified more within the food industry. Larger sectoral production inducement effect by export was recognized in fishery, aquaculture, seedling, rice, beef cattle, and fruits in Honshu. Alternatively, in Hokkaido, the same was found within fishery, dairy, beef cattle, and forage crops. Dairy exports from Honshu related to the expansion of dairy farming and forage crop farming in Hokkaido, and confectionery exports from Honshu related to Hokkaido’s dairy farming expansion. The most effective export sector was meats and fishery because of the proximity to raw material. Furthermore, export service of food and drink was effective because of its large expenditure. To proceed with the exporting of the agriculture and fishery food industries, the various processes of the production inducement effect must be considered by sector. From the skyline analysis, production inducement effect by export was low relative to each sectoral domestic production. Therefore, to enhance agriculture and fishery, related exporting must increase far beyond current levels. Otherwise, it is thought that some farms expand their production and sales in differentiated export markets.