フロンティア農業経済研究 = The Frontiers of Agricultural Economics - 第23巻第1号

JA女性組織部員の意識と行動 : JAふくしま未来のアンケートを素材として

小川, 理恵

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/80052


With increasing consideration of "vitalizing local economy" and "women empowerment" in policy development, expectations among JA female division members with reg紅d to the unification of female farmers within a broader framework has also tremendously increased. However, the number of JA female division members is steadily decreasing across the nation. Based on a questionnaire survey conducted among the female division members of JA Fukushima-mirai, the present study explored the relationship between willingness and behavior among female division members to prepare recommendations regarding the vitalization of this division in the future.