北方言語研究 = Northern Language Studies - 第11号


外賀, 葵

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/80935
KEYWORDS : モンゴル語アラシャ方言; 内モンゴル諸方言; 脱オイラト語化; 阻害音


The Alasha dialect of Mongolian, which originally was an Oirat language, is described in the literature as having partially lost its Oirat features (a process referred to as de-Oiratization in this study) and evolved into an interlanguage due to the interference of Inner Mongolian dialects. However, previous studies have not discussed the influence of Inner Mongolian dialects and the realization of de-Oiratization in detail. This study focuses on the obstruents K, Č, and J̌ in the Alasha dialects, which date back to *k, *č, and *ǰ in Proto-Mongolian, and analyzes their phonetic realization based on my own survey data. The results show that K is more frequently realized as a fricative than a plosive and that occasionally Č and J̌ are realized identically with other Inner Mongolian dialects. This study reveals that among the Mongolian languages, the Alasha dialect is in an intermediate stage of de-Oiratization.