北方言語研究 = Northern Language Studies - 第11号


白, 尚燁

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/80945
KEYWORDS : 地域類型論; ウイルタ語; サハリンアイヌ語; ニヴフ語; 3人称標示


This study aim s to examine number distinction of third person marking on the finite indicative forms and gra mmatical features of plural suffixes employed as third person plural subject marker in Uilta, Ainu and N ivkh in Sakhalin from the perspective of areal typology . B ased on typological parameters of third person marking: (i) obligatorily distinct marking , (ii ) optionally distinct marking , (iii) non distinct marking and (iv) non person marking , Baek (2016) raised a possibility that the areal based distinction s among third person marking on finite indicative forms in Tungusic possibly resulted from the influenc e from d ifferent adjacent languages. However, this study only includes Uilta among languages distributed on Sakhalin Accordingly, t his research concentrates on number distinction of third person marking on finite verb endings and grammatical features of plural markers used as third person plural subject marker in Uilta, Ainu and Nivkh These 3 languages can be classified as optionally distinct marking type. In addition, t hey have in common that plural suffix es both added to finite verb and noun can mar k third person plural subject on the finite verb endings . Nevertheless, it is remarkable that the use of plural suffix l in noun as a plural marker is synchronically confirmed only in Uilta i n opposition to other third group of Tungusic languages (Nanay a nd Ulcha) In conclusion, this paper point s out that Uilta, Ainu and Nivkh in Sakhalin possess areal typological feature as optionally distinct marking type , as in neighboring Tungusic languages on the continent . Simultaneously , as languages spoken i n Sakhalin, they share a peculiarit y in the grammatical function of plural suffix es to be attached to noun unlike adjacent Tungusic languages