北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第138号

中国における流動人口子女の高校教育機会不平等の制度的要因 : 広州市の高校入試制度を例として

趙, 紫雲

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/82163
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.138.375
KEYWORDS : 流動人口子女; 戸籍; 高校入試; 広州市; Children of migrant workers; Household registration system; Senior high school entrance exam; Guangzhou


 This paper focuses on the senior high school entrance exam of children of migrant workers in Guangzhou, which is one of the largest cities in China. Over the last few decades, economic growth in China has maintained a high demand for labor so that migrant workers rush to large cities. Due to the household registration system, children of migrant workers are generally not allowed to enroll in the public schools. In recent years, the government has taken measures to ensure the right to compulsory education of migrant children. However, it’s still difficult for them to meet the conditions of taking senior high school entrance exam, so they are forced to return to their original residency after junior high school, living without their parents. This paper analyzes the reasons why migrant children cannot have the equal opportunity of senior high school education, through the research materials and telephone interview of the officials of Guangzhou Education Department. Firstly, the responsibilities of central government and local government are ambiguous, causing arbitrariness and uncertainty of the policy. Therefore, local government which has weak financial base has little incentive to improve the quality of education of migrant children. Besides, the opportunity of education is used to control or adjust the population structure instead of household registration system.