北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第138号

「生きづらさ」探究活動についての検討におけるA. W. グールドナー理論の有効性

藤川, 奈月

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/82165
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.138.329
KEYWORDS : グールドナー; 下部構造; Rational Discourse; 生きづらさ; 専門家; Gouldner; Infrastructure; Rational Discourse; Ikizurasa; Specialists


 In Japan, the word “ikizurasa” is used by various people as a comprehensive and ambiguous word. “Ikizurasa” is a Japanese compound word of “ikiru” and “tsurasa”. The former means “to live”, “to be”, “to survive”, “to exist”, “to experience”, etc. The latter adds the meaning “difficult”, “hard”, and “painful” to the former. As the meaning of the word “ikizurasa” is comprehensive and ambiguous, anyone can use the word to explain one’s state.  Currently, many specialists are attempting to understand “ikizurasa”, as well as defining the word, constructing theories, and presenting ways to overcome “ikizurasa”. Although the word is comprehensive and ambiguous, there are some “ikizurasa” that are not reflected by such attempts. This phenomenon has the following problems. (1) Some could be confused by the difference between the published “ikizurasa” and their own interpretation of “ikizurasa”. It may deprive someone of the word which explains their state. (2) By relying solely on a specific framework, it may make someone difficult to recognize or solve their “ikizurasa”. If we are to overcome this phenomenon, we need to know the structure of this phenomenon. When considering the discussions on this topic, theories by A. W. Gouldner could be worth to use. Therefore, this study examines the significance and limitations of using Gouldner's theory in the discussions.  As a result of overviewing and organizing Gouldner's theory, it became clear that the structure of the above-mentioned phenomenon can be explained by using Gouldner's “infrastructure” theory. In other words, we can explain how this phenomenon occurs by examining the interaction between the specialists and their surrounding people/society. It also became clear that Gouldner's “Rational Discourse” theory, especially “dialogue”, “consciousness of limitations”, “non-authoritative reason”, and “awareness” can aid specialists to pick up more “ikizurasa” in their works. This allows for us to continue using the word “ikizurasa” as a comprehensive and ambiguous word. However, it also became clear that we cannot overcome the phenomenon using only Gouldner's theory.