北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第138号

交替居住する孫をめぐる世代間関係 : スウェーデンにおける祖父母調査から

小野寺, 理佳

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/82174
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.138.161
KEYWORDS : 祖父母の役割; 世代間関係; 交替居住; The roles of grandparents; Intergenerational relations; Shared residence


 The objective of this paper is to explore the roles of grandparents in the case of "divorce of parents who raising minor children." In Japan, the discussion on joint legal custody and joint physical custody after divorce is just started. So, this paper focused on the grandchildren who under joint physical custody in Sweden, where joint physical custody is widely common. In 2016 and 2017, interviews were held in Östersund and Stockholm with 10 grandparents who have grandchildren with separated parents. After parental divorce, those grandchildren were or have been in a 'shared residence arrangement', i.e. joint physical custody where the child is sharing his or her time equally between two custodial parents’ homes. In the interviews, we asked grandparents about their family values, contents of support for grandchildren and their parents, frequency of interaction with them, recognition of intergenerational relationships, conflicts, and worries related to support and intergenerational interaction.  There are three findings from the interviews. (1) Grandparents play an important role in creating new networks between generations. (2) However, they are often torn between ideas that highly appreciate individual independence and self-determination and the mentality of putting the family first. (3) They also hope that by increasing interaction with the younger generation, they will not become lonely or isolated as they grow older. These findings suggest that it will be important to review the childcare environment of grandchildren from the perspective of multigenerational relationships.