北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第138号

地域子育て支援の利用実態とニーズの現在 : 北海道旭川市における母親の就業状況と出身地を視点とした分析から

佐々木, 千夏

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/82175
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.138.137
KEYWORDS : 地域子ども・子育て支援事業; 専業主婦; ワーキング・マザー; 出身地; Child-rearing support; Housewives; Working mothers; Place of birth


 Although the majority of children under the age of three continue to be raised at home in today's society, more and more mothers are not only housewives, but also working mothers who take childcare leave and devote themselves to raising their children for a period of time. In this paper, the present-day characteristics and needs of mothers devoted to child-rearing were examined from the perspective of their employment status and birthplace. Asahikawa, Hokkaido, a city with a high rate of grandparents living near each other, the need for formal child-rearing support services was judged to be not so high overall. Specifically, the following points were found: (1) many mothers from outside the city tend to gather at local child-rearing support places, and these places are meant to be a place for them to expand their social relationships; (2) conversely, local mothers may be concerned about the "bonds" of human relationships that expand in child-rearing support places; and (3) working mothers have a need for family support center services to relieve their daily busyness, but they do not actually use them. In order to consider the future of child-rearing support in Asahikawa City, it is important to investigate the reasons why there is demand for child-rearing support but it is not being used.