北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第138号

多文化共生社会の構築と学校の機能 : 在日ブラジル人とアイヌ民族の状況を中心に

新藤, 慶

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/82178
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.138.77
KEYWORDS : 多文化共生社会; 学校; 順機能/逆機能; 在日ブラジル人; アイヌ民族; Multicultural symbiotic society; School; Eufunction/dysfunction; Brazilians in Japan; Ainu people


 The number of foreign residents began to increase after the Lehman Shock, and at present, approximately 3 million people are living in Japan. With the increase in the number of foreign residents, the construction of a multicultural symbiotic society has become an even more important issue. In this context, the function of schools cannot be ignored. So, this paper examines the eufunctions/dysfunctions of schools for the construction of a multicultural symbiotic society focusing on schools concerning the Brazilian and Ainu peoples in Japan. As a result, firstly, I found both eufunctions and dysfunctions in terms of the level of living symbiosis for teachers and ethnic minority children. While there are aspects of teachers that promote discrimination, there has been progressed in interactions that are not aware of ethnic differences. Secondly, the dysfunction aspect was strongly expressed at the level of systemic symbiosis. A "dual systemic symbiosis" that guarantees equal opportunities for education based on ethnic differences may be necessary. And thirdly, there was also the issue of ethnic minority children being forced to take a stand. Whether it is "assimilation" or "dissimilation," the problem was found to be one of fixing the differences between ethnic minorities and majorities. To avoid this problem, it is necessary to build on a foundation of variable and fluid differences.