北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第138号

外国人集住地域における多文化保育の現状とその背景 : 日本とスウェーデンの比較から

品川, ひろみ

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/82180
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.138.31
KEYWORDS : 多文化保育; 多様性; スウェーデン; アンチバイアス・カリキュラム; Multicultural childcare; Diversity; Sweden; Anti-bias curriculum


 This study clarified the current state of multicultural childcare reported by nursery school teachers in Oizumi-machi, Gunma Prefecture and Shinjuku-ku, Tokyo, where there are many foreign residents.   We also examined the desirable form of multicultural childcare in Japan.  In the research, we compared childcare in Stockholm, Sweden, where approximately 25% of the population has foreign roots.  The study explored nursery school teachers’ experiences with foreign children, the opportunities for education and training to support them, the current state of childcare that fosters diversity, and their appreciation of multicultural childcare.  The result showed that more than 90% of all the nursery school teachers had experience in providing child care to foreigners.  Nursery school teachers experienced various difficulties in caring for foreign children, but nearly 90% of them considered their experiences as positive.   This is because the nursery school teachers believe that the enrollment of foreign children helps to foster diversity among all the children.  However, Japan's childcare and related guidelines don’t have any sections on diversity; therefore, it is difficult to be aware of the importance of diversity as a specific goal. Furthermore, nursery school teachers don’t have many opportunities to learn and receive training in multicultural childcare.  It is suggested that in order to generalize and improve the quality of multicultural childcare in the future, it is necessary to address these issues.