北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University - 第138号

社会的不平等と教育 : 階級・階層,ジェンダー,エスニシティ,地域格差に即して

小内, 透

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/82182
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/b.edu.138.1
KEYWORDS : 社会的不平等; 階級・階層; ジェンダー; エスニシティ; 地域格差; Social inequality; Class and stratification; Gender; Ethnicity; Regional disparity


 Social inequality and education have ambivalent influence with each other in both directions. On the one hand, social inequality can have a positive significance for people as a source of motivation to maintain and change their social position through education, and at the same time, it creates the problem of maintaining and increasing inequality itself through affecting the way of using education. On the other hand, education has an effective function for people to overcome their social positions with their own abilities and efforts, and it can contribute to the resolution of social inequality. At the same time, through the formation of social positions, it has the potential to create new social inequality.  In this paper, based on the above perspective, I examine the issues of social inequality and education in line with the reality of social class / stratification, gender, ethnicity, and regional disparity. In addition, as issues for future research on social inequality and education, I insist it is necessary to pay attention to 1) the interrelationship of each problem, 2) the commonalities underlying different phenomena, 3) people's awareness of inequality, and 4) the distinction and relationship between inequality on the organizational system and inequality in the life world.