北海道歯学雑誌 - 第44巻


格口, 渉;中道, 祥之;笠原, 和恵;堀川, 雅昭;長, 太一;松下, 和裕;大廣, 洋一

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/90521
KEYWORDS : 顎関節脱臼; 陳旧性顎関節脱臼; 観血的整復術; 関節隆起切除術; temporomandibular joint dislocation; chronic long-standing; open reduction; eminectomy


Open reduction is performed frequently for chronic long-standing dislocation of the temporomandibular joint (TMJ) owing to difficulty with closed reduction. This case report presents a case of an 84-year-old woman with a medical history of Alzheimer’s disease who was referred to our hospital for treatment of TMJ dislocation attributed to tracheal intubation upon general anesthesia 2 months ago. Closed reduction with local anesthesia was unsuccessful; thus, open reduction with general anesthesia was performed 3 months later. Reduction was successful upon performing eminectomy and adhesiolysis around the articular capsule. Open bite was observed until 5 days after the surgery. No recurrence of the dislocation was observed at 1 year following her surgery. Thus, eminectomy and adhesiolysis around the articular capsule could be considered for challenging cases of chronic TMJ dislocation.