北海道大学考古学研究室研究紀要 = Bulletin of the Laboratory of Archaeology, Hokkaido University - 第3号

群馬県安中市注連引原II・大上遺跡における植物利用 : レプリカ法による弥生前・中期土器の検討

高瀬, 克範

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/91237


This study aimes to elucidate plant use in the first half of the Yayoi Culture through the examinations of clay vessels from Northern Kanto Plain, Japan. We examined 257 potsherds from the Shimehikihara II site and 125 pottery fragments from the Okami site using the replication method. As a result of scanning electron microscopy observations of positive silicon models of the impressions on potsherds, we found five seeds of foxtail millet (Setaria italica), two seeds of broomcom millet (Panicum miliaceum), a Setaria seed, and an indetenninate millet grain (foxtail or broomcom millet). This study confirms the current understanding that grass cultigens came into use from the very final stage of the Final Jomon in this region, and the main crop was millet, not rice, during the first half of the Yayoi Culture. However, this does not necessarily demonstrate that millets are the local crops of this region; thus, archaeological research on not only plant seeds but the use of stone tools, site locations, and the settlement pattern during the period is still required.