臨床心理発達相談室紀要 = Bulletin of Counselling Room for Developmental and Clinical Needs - 第6号

「悩めない」大学生への理解と支援 : 学生相談カウンセラーの視点から

笠井, 萌乃;渡邊, 誠

Permalink :  http://hdl.handle.net/2115/92155
JaLCDOI :  10.14943/RSHSK.6.39
KEYWORDS : 「悩めない」大学生; 学生相談室; 質的研究; university students who “don’t worry”; student counseling room; qualitative study


 In recent years, it has been noted that the number of college students who are unable to conflict or face their feelings, in other words, “don’t worry,” has been increasing. In this study, we interviewed three collaborators with the aim of clarifying how the Student ounseling Center, a familiar counseling institution for university students, understands and supports university students who “don’t worry”. From the collaborators’ narratives, it was considered that the “don’t worry” is the result of the difficulty in verbalizing physical ensations and thoughts, such as a sense of distress, and that although they are aware of the existence of their problems, they are not tangible and obvious form, therefore they are not able to approach them. The counselors are required to be aware of the “unknowability” of the students, and it is important for them to remain in front of the students as a model for their own distress, while enduring uncertainty.