北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第139号


育児期共働き夫妻の役割関係 : 家庭役割が妻に偏るカップルの調整プロセスにみる

孫, 詩彧

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/83805
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.139.111
KEYWORDS : 役割関係;調整プロセス;夫妻のペアデータ;偏る分担;Role-relationships;Coordination process;Paired data of couple;Biased division of domestic labour


 Many couples who have dual employment have an “unequal” division of labour, in which the husbands focus on earnings and while the housework and childcare are biased in favor of the wives. This study examines the role relationships exhibited by couples with this pattern in the process of coordinating the division of labor. The findings are as follows. In addition to the role relationship between husbands and wives, in which “the wife is the one who helps with family activities”, “the husband supports the wife” aspect was clarified. This can be seen as a basis for fluctuating the gender order at the micro level and allowing for dynamic coordination between husbands and wives. However, this role relationship can be established when only the husband and wife run the household. In order to maintain this role relationship, it is necessary to keep a distance from outside help, such as grandparents. This limitation makes it insufficient to change the macro gender structure and also exposes the vulnerability of gendered families.