高等教育ジャーナル = Journal of Higher Education and Lifelong Learning;第29号


転写RNAの進化上の役割 : プロテインワールドとRNAワールドのミッシングリンク

細川, 敏幸

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/84352
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/J.HighEdu.29.83


The author proposes the hypothesis thatʠearly tRNA-like materials functioned as intracellular structures.ʡRNA is also readily degraded in the cell, but its stability is increased when it attaches to amino acids. In other words, (1) many RNAs, which were intracellular dust, bound together to form tRNA-like substances and attached to amino acids. (2) In addition, the tRNA-like substances began to bind RNA in other parts. (3) The RNAs became a long chain like mRNA. Thus, the surviving tRNA-like substances and mRNAs accumulated, and the initial RNA world was added to the protein world. This hypothesis is based on the hypothesis that the reason for the early evolution of RNA was not its function or genetic information, but its stability as a chemical substance. mRNA, as a chemical substance, would have been able to preserve its genetic code like DNA. The reason why tRNA has the genetic code as we know it today can be found in its stability as a chemical substance. It is hoped that research in this area will continue.