北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第75集


農協出資法人による第三者経営継承の円滑化 : 北海道津別町における酪農経営継承を事例として

竹田, 駆;東山, 寛

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/84662


Non-family-type farm succession has been attracting attention in recent years as an effective way to compensate for the shortage of bearers for agriculture and to maintain local resources, such as farmland, by transferring the resourses to unrelated persons, even if there is no successor in the family. Non-family-type farm succession has two aspects-new entrants and management succession-and many problems remain to be solved in the implementation. This paper focuses on the case of Daichi Ltd, a subsidiary of JA in Tsubetsu, Hokkaido, in order to clarify the role of related organizations in facilitating non-family-type farm succession. It is clear that Daichi has contributed to the establishment of a support system for non-family type farm succession in the region and has become the core of the system, playing a role in building and maintaining trust between transferors and successors, and thereby addressing issues and contributing to the facilitation of management succession.