北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第75集


日本の農林水産物・食品輸出の経済波及効果 : 産業連関表を用いた分析

佐藤, 悠也;近藤, 巧

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/84665


Japanʼs Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) is currently promoting the export of agricultural, forestry, fishery, and food products with the goal of raising the export value of agricultural, forestry, fishery, and food products to 5 trillion yen by 2030. The export value has been increasing year by year, and the export value of agricultural, forestry, fishery and food products is expected to exceed 1 trillion yen in 2021. The main objective of this report is to quantitatively clarify the economic ripple effects of Japanʼs promotion of agricultural, forestry, fisheries and food exports on primary industries. The export value of agricultural, forestry, fishery, and food products is calculated from trade statistics according to the HS code, which is the worldʼs common classification number for imported and exported products. Furthermore, trade statistics were recalculated to ensure consistency between the 187 sector classifications in the 2015 Input-Output table and trade statistics. Input-output analysis and employment linkage analysis were used to calculate the economic spillover effects and employment creation effects of exports. As a result, the majority of the economic ripple effects were found to be in the "Others" category, which is an aggregation of sectors excluding the "agriculture, forestry, fisheries" and "food processing" industries. On the other hand, only a small amount of the economic ripple effect was found in the agriculture sector. The job creation effect was found to some extent in the primary industry of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries, suggesting that exports of agricultural, forestry, fishery, and food products partially contribute to job creation in the primary industry.