低温科学 = Low Temperature Science;第80巻



片野, 光一;吉井, 広始;宮澤, 公明

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/84985
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/lowtemsci.80.291
KEYWORDS : アヤメ平湿原;裸地;植生復元;Ayamedaira mire;bare land;restoration


1960年代半ば,アヤメ平湿原の約1.2haが登山者の踏みつけで裸地化し,尾瀬地域で最も広い裸地となった.その植生復元は,1966年に群馬県によって始められ,1969年からは尾瀬林業株式会社が主導してきた.当初は,泥炭ブロック移植やミタケスゲCarex michauxiana Boeck. subsp. asiatica Hultén播種が行われたが,泥炭の流失で回復は進まなかった.その後,泥炭流失防止の木枠設置とミタケスゲ播種後の藁菰敷設で,2008年までに約90%の緑化がなされたが,10%は裸地のまま残された.2009年以降,この裸地への植生回復実験は,複数種の混合種播とミズゴケ類の散布等によって行われ,緑化手法が確立されつつある.本報はこれら植生復元の取り組みを整理したものである.
In the mid-1960s, the Ayamedaira mire was trampled by hikers, creating about 1.2 hectares of bare land. It was the largest bare area in the Oze region. The restoration of the bare land was begun in 1966 by the Gunma prefectural board of education and has been led by the Oze Ringyo Co. Ltd. since 1969. Initially, peat blocks were transplanted and Carex michauxiana Boeck. subsp. asiatica Hultén was sown, but recovery did not progress due to the runoff of the peat. After that, wooden crates were installed to prevent the peat from flowing away and straw mats were used to cover the area after the sowing of C. michauxiana subsp. asiatica, resulting in a greening of about 90% of the area by 2008. However, 10% remained bare. Since 2009, the restoration projects for this bare land, have been conducted by sowing seeds of multiple species and scattering Sphagnum, thus a greening method is being established. This report summarizes these efforts to establish restoration in the Oze region.