北海道大学文学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of the Faculty of Humanities and Human Sciences, Hokkaido University;第168号



宮嶋, 俊一

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/87492
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/bfhhs.168.l37


In this paper, I revisit the Study of Religions by Friedrich Heiler (1892-1967). Heiler was a leading figure in the phenomenological school of religion and, along with Rudolf Otto and Gerardus van der Leeuw, a representative scholar of religions during the Weimar Republic (1918-1933) era. He played an important role in the International Association of the History of Religions (IAHR) after World War II (1939-1945). At the same time, his scholarly achievements were also criticized for being Christocentric and strongly theological in nature. This paper shows that Heilerʼs interest in his major work, Das Gebet (1918), was later taken over by the liturgical reforms of the German High Church movement in which he played a leading role, and that for Heiler, the history of religions and his religious movements are linked. Heilerʼs creation of the German Mass is a milestone, and Das Gebet was its “preface.” Heilerʼs activities stalled during World War II. The IAHR Congress in Rome (1955) tended toward the academic study of the religions of old religious phenomenon, while the Tokyo Conference (1958) and the Marburg Conference (1960), on the other hand, tended to engage with contemporary religions out of a practical concern. Specifically, the “East-West intercourse” was an important theme. This was a continuation of the problematics of the Eranos Congress, which was held before World War II, and in which Heiler also played an important role.
本稿は,ワイマール共和制期から1960 年代まで活躍していたドイツの宗教学者・宗教運動家であったフリードリヒ・ハイラー(Friedrich Heiler,1892-1967)研究の一端をなすものである。ハイラーに対する従来の評価としては,宗教現象学派の重鎮で,ルドルフ・オットーやファン・デル・レーウらと並びワイマール共和制期を代表する宗教学者であり,戦後はIAHR においても重要な役割を果たしてきた,というのが一般的であろう。それと同時に,その学問的成果はキリスト教中心主義的で神学的な色彩を強く帯びていると批判も受けてきた。本稿では,そのような従来の見方を踏まえつつも,より踏み込んだ分析を加えていきたい。