北海道大学大学院教育学研究院紀要 = Bulletin of Faculty of Education, Hokkaido University;第99号


閉経後中高年女性における集団ダンス・ムーブメントセラピーのストレスケア効果に関する研究― メンタルヘルスの改善とストレス関連ホルモンの変化―

渡辺, 明日香

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/14789
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/b.edu.99.101
KEYWORDS : 集団ダンス・ムーブメントセラピー;閉経後中高年女性;ストレスケア;メンタルヘルス;17-ケトステロイド硫酸抱合体(17-KS-S);group dance/movement therapy (DMT);postmenopausal women;stress reduction;mental health;17-Ketosteroid-sulfates (17-KS-S)


The Stress reduction effects of group dance/movement therapy (DMT) on postmenopausal middle-aged and elderly women were considered from improvements in mental health and stress-related hormonal changes. In the first of two experiments, seven subjects were asked to perform 50 minutes of DMT (Control day:sitting rest position)late in the evening. DMT had a positive influence not only on emotions,but also on the cognition of menopausal symptoms. In the second experiment,28 subjects were allocated randomly to DMT, walking exercises for balance (Walk) and static activities of life (Life). The Subjects of each group participated in sixteen 90-minute activity sessions over 13 weeks. DMT achieved short-term improvements in the emotional, psychological or physiological stress of subjects, long-term beneficial effects on social stress of relationships, improved the cognition of DMT or the physical condition of subjects themselves, and increased the amount of 17-Ketosteroid-sulfates (17-KS-S)in the subjects morning urine (Walk:Slightly detrimental to mental health, Life:Beneficial to mental health, both groups:no change in 17-KS-S). 17-KS-S is derived from DHEA-S (Dehydroepiandrosterone-sulfate) and indicates the adaptive capacity of the individual against various stressors. The results of both experiments suggest that DMT comprehensively improves the psychosomatic health of postmenopausal women.