科学技術コミュニケーション = Japanese Journal of Science Communication;1号


サイエンスにおけるより大きなつながりに向けて : サイエンスアゴラ2006 実施総括

長神, 風二

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/18939
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/17530
KEYWORDS : Science Agora;science communication;communicator;dialogue;multidirectional


“Science Agora 2006” the first integrated event for science communications in Japan was held on 25-27th November 2006. In the event, 86 associations or groups held their own session, 104 sessions and posters were shown, and more than 1500 people participated. The event was aimed for“ infrastructure development” for the advancements of science communications in Japan. Three purposes of“ agoras” were designed; the dialogues between society and science, that between the various science sectors, and that amongst science communicators. In this report, I describe how these purposes were reflected to the process of program planning and how these were realized or not. The network amongst science communicators in Japan were reinforced by the event, and some trials for the corporation between various science sectors were started by the event. Also some outreach events for general public made a good success in Science Agora 2006. Each success was independently accomplished, but Science Agora has the potential to be the place for the active interaction between the different purposes. In future, the multiple network, from government, researchers to general public, should be constructed based on Science Agora, and it will contribute to the sustainable development of science in society.