科学技術コミュニケーション = Japanese Journal of Science Communication;1号


恒常的な科学技術コミュニケーションの実現に向けて : インターンシップを中心とした教育プログラムの報告

西條, 美紀;野原, 佳代子;日下部, 治

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/18940
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/17532
KEYWORDS : science and engineering communication;graduate school programme;internship;science policy;media coverage


If skill in science and engineering communication is to become an integral part of Japanese society, it will be necessary for universities and other institutions to have a reliable programme that can educate the people responsible for making this skill a reality. What is of critical importance in science communication is the ability to design a space for dialogue, as well as the consciousness with regards to communication that exists as a precondition to that dialogue. Here, as a method for cultivating that consciousness, a graduate school programme will be introduced for adopting internships that place students at institutions that work on issues of science policy and media coverage. Moreover, this programme will be one that freely elicits the suggestions of its participants and is in a continual process of being redesigned and refined based on those suggestions.