科学技術コミュニケーション = Japanese Journal of Science Communication;3号


科学技術リテラシーをどうとらえるか : リテラシークラスタ別教育プログラム提案のための質問紙調査

川本, 思心;中山, 実;西條, 美紀

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/32375
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/30522
KEYWORDS : science literacy;science communication;questionnaire method;education program


The definition of science and technology literacy is constantly changing reflecting the relation between science and society. The more recent one is not only for a person to understand science and its methodology, but also to be able to make a comprehensive judgment on the influences of science and technology on the society and to reflect the judgment on one's activities. In this paper, the author will first make a general survey of the views on science and technology literacy based on earlier domestic as well as foreign studies. Next, the author will make a survey of the questionnaires used as means to judge the "literacy," to know how and what they measured. The author then describes a new questionnaire developed as a part of this study designed to evaluate the literacy in connection with the social recognition, and the result of the survey conducted using the questionnaire, reporting its finding that it is necessary to propose a separate educational program for each cluster of people with different tendency.