看護総合科学研究会誌 = Journal of comprehensive nursing research;vol. 10 no. 1


北海道におけるがん化学療法看護ケア実践での困難と学習ニーズ 第1報

濵田, 珠美;宮島, 直子

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/35510
JaLCDOI : 10.14943/33940
KEYWORDS : oncologic nursing;chemotherapy;difficulty;learning needs;Hokkaido;がん看護;化学療法;困難;学習ニーズ;北海道


The purpose of this study is to identify difficultyand learning needs in oncologic nursing for chemotherapy at a hospital in Hokkaido. Questionnaires were mailed, and respondents at thirty two of hospitals (more than 200 beds) in Hokkaido were divided into three hospitals as university hospitals, oncology hospitals, and general hospitals. The data (response rate 50.5%) with 443 (each 126,34,283) valid responses were analyzed by using descriptive statistics and Mann-Whitney test and Kruskal Wallis test (p<0.05). As a result, the respondent in this study were identified some of great difficulty in symptom management, such as alopecia and in stress management, such as conducting effective education for the elderly or patients with cognitive disturbance. Learning needs were identified in common topic of symptom management and stress management. There were statistical significance about difficulty among three hospitals in Hokkaido, most respondents had an in-service education program at oncology hospital, while less were of as ignificance at general hospitals (p<0.01). The result suggests that the necessity for nurses at general hospitals to construct a system of continuing education program offered to meet their needs, in particular.