Neo-Science of Natural History : Integration of Geoscience and Biodiversity Studies - Proceedings

Updated Assessments of the 1998/99 Climate Change over the North Pacific

Minobe, Shoshiro

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KEYWORDS : Decadal climate change; Climatic regime shifts; Air-sea interaction


The anomalous climate conditions in the atmosphere and ocean over the North Pacific starting in 1998/99 are revisited using the updated data in the last five decade. The anomalous sea-surface temperatures and atmospheric circulations returned to the normal condition in the middle of the 2002. The sea-level displacement anomalies propagated as Rossby waves from the central North Pacific to Japan. It is suggested that the large part of the 1998/99 climate change can be understood as the quasi-decadal fluctuation of the East Pacific pattern and oceanic responses to it, and hence may be qualitatively different from the major climatic regime shifts in the 20th century.