北海道大学農經論叢 = The Review of the Society of Agricultural Economics;第64集


中国三江平原における稲作経営の展開と機械化 : 新華農場第17生産隊の事例(その1)

朴, 紅;張, 錦女;笪, 志剛;坂下, 明彦

Permalink : http://hdl.handle.net/2115/39849


This paper concerns about the characteristics of rice farming development: its process of operation scale expansion and development of mechanization at a large wetland area the Sanjiang Plain, which is at the confluence of the Heilong River, the Songhua River and the Ussuri River. The focus area is a new rice farming area in East Asia, and is a relatively large family based on rice farming operation with 10ha farm area. The long-term observation of this case study would be very useful to the study of rice farming production in Asia. We have been doing study of Xinhua State Farm at the suburb of Jiamusi City, which is a major city of Sanjiang Plain. According to the study result during 2006 summer, the rice production only decrease negligibly at the designated paddy fields that export rice to Japan, even though the paddy areas shrink drastically after 2003 due to rice price decrease. With these results, this paper investigates more details of the development of rice farming production, observes farm scale expansion and rice farming mechanization in different stages, so that we can understand the issue of the latest limiting point about the rice farming operation.